Monday- Ch. 20 Power point “The New Frontier and The Great Society”
Tuesday- Continue notes
Thursday- Ch. 20 worksheets
Monday- Ch. 20 Power point “The New Frontier and The Great Society”
Tuesday- Continue notes
Thursday- Ch. 20 worksheets
Monday– Ch. 19 Vocabulary from
Tuesday– Telescoping the Times_ch 18 ch 19– answer the 4 questions @ the bottom of the page.
Wednesday- Ch. 19 Vocabulary quiz. Begin Powerpoint project.
Using the Telescoping the Times worksheet as an outline, create your own presentation capturing the highlights of the PostWar boom in America during the late 1940’s and 1950’s. Each slide should represent sections 1-4. Add color, pictures (with captions)and make your information readable.
Thursday, Friday- continue working on your Ch. 19 Presentations.
Monday- Ch. 18 Vocab
Tuesday- Chapter_18_powerpt_Notes
Wednesday- Ch. 18 Vocab due- Ch. 18 vocab quiz; notes continued
Thursday- Section 2 and 3
Friday- Finish notes; section 2/3 worksheet
Tuesday- Ch. 17 Vocabulary on
Wednesday- Ch. 17 guided notes
Thursday- Continued notes
Friday- Quiz 1 (first 20 vocab terms)
Monday– Finish up Ch. 16 “World War Looms” notes
Tuesday– “Surviving Auschwitz” article and worksheets @
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Surviving Auschwitz_Upfront magazine
Surviving AuschwitzQuiz_upfront magazine
Wednesday- Test Review Packet
Thursday– Kahoot Test/ Review
Friday– Ch. 16 “World War Looms” Test
We will use Edgenuity to learn about the years following World War 1 and leading into World War 2. The main point of emphasis will be on the Stock Market Crash of 1929, and the Great Depression years that followed.
Course: Cloud TX-US History Since 1877
Lesson “The InterWar Years”
Each section has guided notes, an assignment, and a quiz. You are responsible for completing each one, as well as the Unit Test at the end of the Lesson. You can use the guided notes on the quizzes and test.
Edgenuity Ch. 14 Economic Boom or Bust
Edgenuity Ch. 14 The Great Depession Life
Monday- Continue Ch. 11 Notes (section 3)
Tuesday- Finish up the notes ( section 4 and the terms of the Treaty of Versailles)
Wednesday- Ch. 11 Golden Packet
Thursday- Test Review
Friday- Ch. 11 Test
Monday- School Holiday
Tuesday– Ch. 11 Written Vocabulary Ch. 11 Vocabulary
Wednesday-Journal Entry: Causes of WW1 Political Cartoon
Begin Ch. 11 Power Point, Ch. 11 Guided Notes
Thursday– Vocab Quiz #1 (1st 20 terms) ; continue with notes
Friday– Vocab Quiz #2 (last 20 terms); section 3 Notes
Monday– Ch. 10 “American Claims an Empire” Vocabulary (1st period will complete their test)
Tuesday– Begin Ch. 10 Notes
Ch. 10 “American Claims an Empire” Powerpoint
Ch. 10 “American Claims an Empire” Guided Notes
Wednesday- Finish up Ch. 10 Notes
Thursday– Ch. 10 Vocab quiz (all 25 terms);
Friday- We will watch the Presidential debate and take notes on each question answered (or not answered!)
Monday– Journal Entry: Define these terms: Progressive , Conservative
How do these terms fit into a political discussion when talking about Gun Rights, Abortion, Immigration?
write Ch. 9 “The Progressive Era” Vocabulary
Tuesday– Begin Ch 9. “The Progressive Era”
Ch. 9 “The Progressive Era” Powerpoint
Ch. 9 “The Progressive Era” Guided Notes
Wednesday– We will take our 1st vocabulary quiz (the written vocabulary is also due at the beginning of class) over the first 17 terms alphabetically. “16th Amendment- Lincoln Steffens”
Continue with our Ch. 9 notes
Thursday- 2nd Vocabulary quiz (last 17 terms) Meat Inspection Act- Upton Sinclair” Article “We Won the Vote”
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Password: roughnecks
Upfront We Won Suffrage worksheet