Sept. 14-18

Monday- Ch. 8 Vocabulary

Discuss the Pendleton Civil Service Act and the impact political machines had on early American government and politics.

Tuesday-Ch. 8 Telescoping the Times  Answer the 4 review questions after reading each section.


Here!! Take this quick survey!

Journal Entry:

Summarize the following documents

13th Amendment

14th Amendment

15th Amendment

Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme court case


Thursday, Friday:  Upfront Magazine Article “Emmett Till Revisited”

password: roughnecks

Emmett Till Upfront quiz

watch the video ” A Conversation about Growing Up Black”

Discuss the worksheet, and current events relating to race relations in our present America.



August 31- Sept 4

Use these notes to help guide you through the Edgenuity lessons.  If you can print them out at home, great.  If not, you can follow along and write the answers on a separate paper.  This will help you digest the information more effectively and improve your quiz scores.

Edgenuity A Workers Life Notes

Edgenuity Trusts and Big Business Notes

Edgenuity Labor and Unrest Notes

Brett Cloud is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Cloud’s 4th Period US History
Time: Aug 31, 2020 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 997 3630 3822
Passcode: 2wLShh

Brett Cloud is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: 5th Period World History- Cloud
Time: Sep 1, 2020 08:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 912 4289 7194
Passcode: n6bAMF


Brett Cloud is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: 6th Period US History- Cloud
Time: Sep 1, 2020 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 977 0135 5333
Passcode: Zai0Xn


Brett Cloud is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: 7th Period US History- Cloud
Time: Sep 1, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 971 4746 4264
Passcode: 00UU42

At Home Learning August 31-September 9

Ladies and Gentlemen-
I’m sorry that this school year has been such a crazy thing.  Hopefully this 2 week break will slow the spread of the virus and we can get back to a more normal schedule moving forward.  As we move into this “At Home” learning phase, here are some things you need to know.
1) Treat your home learning seriously.  You will be held accountable for your participation in zoom meetings, as well as your Edgenuity progress and grades accumulated along the way.
2) We will have multiple Zoom meetings weekly, so be checking your email for those invitations.
3) Contact my email with any questions you may have regarding the subject matter, Edgenuity access, or Zoom meetings.
4) Make sure to continue to practice distancing from each other so we can get past this virus.  If you have any desire to participate in extra curricular events this year (band, athletics, UIL, prom, graduation, etc.) you must take this unique situation seriously.
Your Edgenuity course for my US History class is titled Cloud- TX-US History Studies Since 1877
For my World History class Cloud TX-World History Studies
**Make sure you select that exact title.  You should all have that added to your Edgenuity account.  EMAIL ME IF YOU DO NOT**


August 17-21

Monday-  Ch. 5 Vocab Quiz (all 23 terms);  Continue Section 2 Notes

Tuesday- Journal Entry “Tell me what you enjoy most about being an American citizen.  What are some things that we could improve about our Nation?  If you were to live outside of the USA, where would you most AND least like to live (please give a quick reason why)?

Finish our notes

Wednesday-   Test Review Packet Ch. 5 Test Review

Thursday- Test Review Game

Friday- *Ch. 5 Test*

August 10-14

Monday–  US History Class Outline

US History TEKS

Tuesday– Edgenuity assignment tutorial

Wednesday– Write  Ch. 5 “Changes on the Western Frontier” Vocabulary terms in your notebook.  These are due on Thursday morning


Begin lecture:  Ch. 5 “Changes on the Western Frontier” Guided Notes 

Ch. 5 Guided Notes PDF

Ch. 5 “Changes on the Western Frontier” Power Point

Friday–  Go to

Log in as “Student” and use the password “roughnecks”

Read the article “Making Amends for Slavery?” and complete the following worksheets

Making Amends for Slavery 1?

Making Amends for Slavery 2?




August 27-31

Monday–  Test Review

Tuesday–  Ch. 5 Test

Wednesday–  Written vocabulary for Ch. 6 ” A New Industrial Age” Ch. 6 Vocabulary; 

Test Make-ups

Thursday-  Begin notes (slides 1-8) for Ch. 6″ A New Industrial Age” Ch. 6 Powerpoint

Ch. 6 Guided Notes 

Friday–  Vocabulary Quiz #1;  Continue Notes

World History

Monday-  Continue Notes;  Harappan Civilization;  

Tuesday- Finish Notes; Ancient Civilizations Powerpoint 

Wednesday- grade universal screener;  Ancient Civilizations Review worksheet

Thursday-  Test Review

Friday-  Ancient Civilizations Test

August 20-24

US History-

Monday–  Journal Entry #2

  • “What role does government play in our lives?”
  • To what extent do we need to be governed (controlled) as a society?
  • Should we have more/ less/ or the same amount of government control in our lives.

Begin hand written vocabulary terms over Chapter 5;  found at

  • We will have our first vocabulary quiz on Wednesday

Tuesday-  Begin Chapter 5 Guided Notes;  Chapter 5 Powerpoint

Wednesday-  Vocabulary Quiz #1 (all 23 terms);  Chapter 5 notes

Thursday-  Vocabulary Quiz #2;  Notes

Friday-  Upfront Article: Danger Zones:  5 countries that pose the most concern for the United States  Upfront- Danger Zones 

World History

Monday-  Journal Entry #2

  • “What role does government play in our lives?”
  • To what extent do we need to be governed (controlled) as a society?
  • Should we have more/ less/ or the same amount of government control in our lives.

Universal Screener

Tuesday-  Notes; Ancient Civilizations Powerpoint 

Wednesday-  Notes continued

Thursday-  Mesopotamian Civilizations (Sumerians, Babylonians)

Friday-  Upfront Article: Danger Zones:  5 countries that pose the most concern for the United States  Upfront- Danger Zones

Aug. 22-26

Welcome back students!   The 2016-2017 school year is about to begin.  I’m excited to meet you all and learn more about you.  U.S and World History cover a LOT of information so I’ll need your help in coming to class prepared to learn every day!  We will discuss a lot of good people, bad people, places, wars, and events that have shaped who we are, where we are,  what we believe, and where we are heading.  THAT is why history is very important!  Let’s get this year started off right.

Some important things to know:

2. My blog is located at  Get used to checking it out every day! Subscribe to the blog so it will send you notifications as I post new information.  All class notes, powerpoints, assignments, and videos will be posted here!

3. History is based on communication.  I will talk (a lot) but I also want you to be able to discuss with each other the topics in class.  This needs to be done in a controlled manner so the classes next door are not disturbed.

4.  We WILL not use cell phones in class.  Ever.  If I want to utilize that resource, it will be because you’ve proven, as a class, that you are mature enough to stay on task.   I will give you the OK if that is ever the case.

5.  Enjoy our time together.  Be thankful that we live in a safe environment to learn.  Make the most of that blessing.

Supply List:

Pens (blue or black preferred)

Red Grading Pen

Notebook Paper


Headphones (ear buds) to use with the ChromeBooks.

Monday-  Meet and Greet;   Classroom Rules and ProceduresStudent Questionairre

Tuesday- (World History) Intro to World History The 9 Themes of World History.  Universal Screener; Check your Chromebook as I have assigned two worksheets. Neolithic Video Worksheet Rise of Civilization Vocabulary

(U.S. History) Universal Screener;  Ch.5 Vocabulary;  Telescoping the Times Chapter Summary w/ questions.