Monday– Begin notes. Ch. 17 Powerpoint
Tuesday– Lecture/ Notes continued
Wednesday– Lecture/Notes continued;
Thursday– CH. 17 vocab quiz; written vocabulary will be due and checked.
Friday– Lecture/Notes continued
Monday– Begin notes. Ch. 17 Powerpoint
Tuesday– Lecture/ Notes continued
Wednesday– Lecture/Notes continued;
Thursday– CH. 17 vocab quiz; written vocabulary will be due and checked.
Friday– Lecture/Notes continued
Monday– write Ch. 16 vocabulary (
Tuesday– Begin Ch. 16 Powerpoint Notes
Wednesday– Vocab quiz; continue notes
Thursday- Ch. 15 Golden Packet
Monday- no school
Tuesday– Ch. 15 Vocabulary/ Chapter 14 Review
Wednesday– Ch. 15 Powerpoint
Monday- Ch. 14 “The Great Depression Begins”
Tuesday- Continue Notes; Ch. 14 Section 1 Review Quiz
Wednesday- Notes Continued- Section 2/3
Thursday- Ch. 14 Golden Packet
Monday- Project Presentations
Tuesday- Ch. 13 Introduction Ch. 13 Life of the Roaring 20’s
Wednesday- Ch. 13 Section 2:3
Monday– Ch. 12 Vocabulary (
Tuesday– Start our Google Presentation over Ch. 12 “Politics of the 1920’s”
use the Ch. 12 Telescoping the Times worksheet as an outline to transfer the information into a Google Presentation. Share this with the title “Politics of the 1920’s” to my [email protected] address
We will work on this assignment for the rest of the week. Its due at the end of the day on Friday
Wednesday– work on Presentation
Thursday– Vocab quiz- work on presentation
Friday- Complete Presentation
Monday- Finished up notes
Tuesday- Ch. 11 Golden Packet Review
Wednesday- Kahoot Review
Thursday- Ch. 11 Test
Friday- career Day
Monday– continue notes; Section 2 “American Entry into WW1”
Tuesday- notes continued; section 3-4
Wednesday- Ch. 11 Vocab quiz ; Finish up notes.
Ch. 10 Test Review