Welcome back students! The 2016-2017 school year is about to begin. I’m excited to meet you all and learn more about you. U.S and World History cover a LOT of information so I’ll need your help in coming to class prepared to learn every day! We will discuss a lot of good people, bad people, places, wars, and events that have shaped who we are, where we are, what we believe, and where we are heading. THAT is why history is very important! Let’s get this year started off right.
Some important things to know:
2. My blog is located at cloudb.wonecks.net. Get used to checking it out every day! Subscribe to the blog so it will send you notifications as I post new information. All class notes, powerpoints, assignments, and videos will be posted here!
3. History is based on communication. I will talk (a lot) but I also want you to be able to discuss with each other the topics in class. This needs to be done in a controlled manner so the classes next door are not disturbed.
4. We WILL not use cell phones in class. Ever. If I want to utilize that resource, it will be because you’ve proven, as a class, that you are mature enough to stay on task. I will give you the OK if that is ever the case.
5. Enjoy our time together. Be thankful that we live in a safe environment to learn. Make the most of that blessing.
Supply List:
Pens (blue or black preferred)
Red Grading Pen
Notebook Paper
Headphones (ear buds) to use with the ChromeBooks.
Monday- Meet and Greet; Classroom Rules and Procedures, Student Questionairre
Tuesday- (World History) Intro to World History The 9 Themes of World History. Universal Screener; Check your Chromebook as I have assigned two worksheets. Neolithic Video Worksheet Rise of Civilization Vocabulary
(U.S. History) Universal Screener; Ch.5 Vocabulary; Telescoping the Times Chapter Summary w/ questions.