Monday- Ch. 20 written vocabulary (also finish up Friday’s powerpoint assignment)
Tuesday– Ch. 20 Powerpoint
Wednesday- Section 2 notes
Thursday- section 3 notes;
Friday- Ch. 20 vocabulary quiz
Monday- Ch. 20 written vocabulary (also finish up Friday’s powerpoint assignment)
Tuesday– Ch. 20 Powerpoint
Wednesday- Section 2 notes
Thursday- section 3 notes;
Friday- Ch. 20 vocabulary quiz
Thursday– Ch. 19 Postwar America: the 1950s Powerpoint; Section 1 and 2
Friday– Use the Ch. 19 Telescoping the Times summary of Ch. 19 to create a Powerpoint picture collage of PostWar America in the 1950’s
Share your Powerpoint to me using this email address:
Monday– Ch. 17 Test
Tuesday- Ch. 18 written vocabulary; test makeups
Wednesday- Ch. 18 Powerpoint “Cold War Conflicts”
Thursday- notes continued; Section 1 and 2
Friday- Notes
Monday– Section 1 Continued
Tuesday– Section 2/ Section 3 Notes
Wednesday– Ch. 16 Vocab Quiz ; finish up section. 4 of the notes
Thursday- Ch. 16 “World War Looms” Kahoot Review
Friday– Ch. 16 Test- will be able to use your class notes.
Monday– written vocabulary (Ch. 16 on
Tuesday– Begin Ch. 16 Powerpoint “World War Looms” lecture
Wednesday– Continue Chapter Notes
Thursday– Notes continued
Friday– Ch. 16 vocab quiz (random selection of 25 terms)
Monday- Ch. 15 written Vocabulary
Tuesday- Ch. 15 “The New Deal” Powerpoint; Begin Notes
Thursday- Complete Ch. 3 Notes using the powerpoint the blog
Friday- Complete Ch. 5 Notes using the powerpoint the blog
Monday- Kahoot; Ch. 13 Test Review
Tuesday- Ch. 13 Test
Wednesday- Begin Ch. 14 Notes “The Great Depression Begins”
Thursday-Write our Ch. 14 Vocabulary in our journals
Monday– School Holiday
Tuesday– Ch. 13 “The Roaring Life of the 1920’s”
Wednesday– Notes Continued
Monday- School Holiday
Tuesday- Ch. 11 Written Vocabulary
Wednesday- Ch. 11 Powerpoint Begin Ch. 11 Notes
Thursday- Notes continued
Friday- Vocabulary Check; Ch. 11 Vocabulary Quiz
Monday– Kahoot Test Review
Tuesday– Write the Ch. 10 Vocabulary in your journal
Wednesday– Ch. 10 Telescoping the Times
Read the Ch. 10 Telescoping the Times summary. Answer the 4 questions at the end of the worksheet.
Use the map to highlight all the territory controlled or gained by the United States during this time of imperialism across the globe.